Roti Bakar Pak Ateng (Toasted Bread)

Image result for roti bakar bandung
Do you know about roti bakar? Roti bakar is well known Indonesian food especially from Bandung, West Java. It is like a bread which is grilled and filled with some topping such as vanilla, blueberry jam, strawberry jam, sugar, cheese, or chocolate rice. Roti bakar is  quiet suitable to eat when the weather is cold or rainy. Since nowadays is rainy seasons in Indonesia, roti bakar could be the perfect food to be eaten.

Near my rent room in Yogyakarta, I have recommendation if you want to try this food. This place located in Jalan Kaliurang. If you coming from Kaliurang (North), at the traffic light, turn left and go straight ahead. If you are coming from Mirota (South), at the traffic light, turn right and go straigh ahead. The food stall will be on your left.

This isn't a restaurant, it's just like another street vendor. But, what makes me recommend this seller to all of you here, because of service and  the seller itself. Doesn't like another seller of roti bakar, the chef is quiet different. He is very neat, clean, polite, and skillful. Yes, he was very fast to make an order to his customers. Every movement of his hand was fast and well-ordered, that's why I say this man is skillful.

You don't have to be worry about the taste. It was good, delicious, and perfect. It also cheap, around 11.000-19.000 IDR. Well, let's taste this food and you'll know more about Indonesian pastry. 


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